
When it’s time to buy, you don’t want to

The title originates from Walter Deemer who had a 52-year career as a market analyst in Wall Street. I haven’t read his books, but the quote gave me a few ideas to think about. The main point is probably tied to the fact that people don’t want to buy stocks when prices are falling and […]

Book Reviews

Stan Weinstein – Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets – Review

I’ve seen many traders refer to the book online and at some point it started to get my attention, which eventually triggered the interest to read the book. I haven’t seen Mr. Weinstein’s presence online, but he is a veteran already and probably retired as this book was first published in 1988. Stan Weinstein’s work […]

Book Reviews

Andreas F. Clenow – Stocks on the Move – Review

When I see a trading book that should be good I do research on the author as well as the writing before I decide to get it. I had heard about this book from different sources, listened to the author speak on some podcasts, and seen references in the intro to other traders I’ve been […]


Ride them up, not down

If you buy into stocks going up, you’ll capture uptrends. If you buy into stocks going down, you’ll capture downtrends. You can’t control how far a trend can go or when it will reverse, but it’s up to you to decide which part of the move you are trying to have exposure in. Going back […]