
Price makes news, not the other way around

The US stock market has been in a drawdown for almost 2 years since the start of 2022, when it made the last all-time high. There’s still a lot of interest in the markets among the general public, which shows people still have a lot of savings from the money supply bubble created by central […]


When it’s time to buy, you don’t want to

The title originates from Walter Deemer who had a 52-year career as a market analyst in Wall Street. I haven’t read his books, but the quote gave me a few ideas to think about. The main point is probably tied to the fact that people don’t want to buy stocks when prices are falling and […]


Trends in S&P 500 and Bitcoin

Check out the video update. I talk about a trend change in S&P 500 and also look at the Bitcoin chart. It’s been over 7 months since my last video update, so tune in.


How long do downtrends in S&P 500 last?

Check out my thoughts about the current market. I also share some statistics how long the average and longest downtrends have lasted in S&P 500 based on my trend-following strategy and research since 1980.

Book Reviews

Stan Weinstein – Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets – Review

I’ve seen many traders refer to the book online and at some point it started to get my attention, which eventually triggered the interest to read the book. I haven’t seen Mr. Weinstein’s presence online, but he is a veteran already and probably retired as this book was first published in 1988. Stan Weinstein’s work […]