
Tune out the noise

I went through a meditation course and took notes of my progress for several weeks in 2019, which taught me to look at myself, my actions and feelings from aside as a separate person. It made me aware of so many emotional states I was experiencing while making trading decisions or placing orders. When I […]


Comparison makes market participants unhappy

Happy New Year! Absolute performance measures the annual returns of a portfolio, while relative performance compares it to a benchmark or some index. Part of our human nature is to compare what we have or achieve to someone else be it a friend, neighbor, co-worker etc. We may be satisfied with our new car until […]


Compounding is the eighth wonder of the world

Simply put, compounding means money makes money that makes money that makes money. So, instead of thinking about returns in a linear fashion, compounding actually illustrates the exponential growth of assets over time, which is as important for a trader as it is for an investor. Let go of the short-term mindset Beginning traders and […]

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