I got back from my trip to NYC to attend a workshop by Dr. Alexander Elder and Kerry Lovvorn. It was fun. First night we gathered at Dr. Elder’s apartment near Manhattan, a short walk from my hotel. I met other traders from around the world, cigars on the balcony and off we went to […]
Tag: Kerry Lovvorn
Since I’ve been following Dr. Elder’s work closely, I got one of his books from the library, Entries & Exits – Visits to sixteen trading rooms. There are many interesting traders interviewed in this book including Gerald Appel, the inventor of one of the most popular indicators MACD; Kerry Lovvorn, the co-founder of SpikeTrade. It […]
Talk to other traders
I was listening to a podcast episode from Äripäev (local business magazine) the other day and a guy from Elder’s online group SpikeTrade was recommending to join. I have now joined SpikeTrade.com and exploring the content. There are over hundred members submitting weekly stock picks to a friendly competition where you can see others’ ideas […]