If you buy into stocks going up, you’ll capture uptrends. If you buy into stocks going down, you’ll capture downtrends. You can’t control how far a trend can go or when it will reverse, but it’s up to you to decide which part of the move you are trying to have exposure in. Going back […]
A popular investing book that I received for speaking about my trading at a live event. The book was first published in 1973 but has been revised and updated several times. This one is the latest twelfth edition published in 2019. The author is an academician who supports passive index investing, and his content represents […]
No pain, no gain
People often look for easy money in the markets. They are in for the reward without wanting to tolerate the pain. When I think systematically in quite efficient markets, the more gain you want the more pain you need to put up. Strategies with excessive returns need something that people are less willing to do. […]
Beginning traders often underestimate the importance of position sizing. However, besides stop placement it makes a huge difference for risk management. Tom Basso was featured in Jack Schwager’s New Market Wizards book that I have also reviewed here in my blog. This short ebook on why and how to size positions was published by Tom […]
Stock price and nothing else
“One thing I have learned over time is the best thing to do is let market price action guide your decision-making and then try to understand the fundamentals as they become more evident and comprehensible.” Paul Tudor Jones (May 2020) I’m a technical trader. My decision to buy or sell a financial asset relies on […]