I had this book in my reading list for a long time after seeing several recommendations online. The title looked interesting due to the fact I had read from different sources how poker and odds of many casino games also apply to trading. The summary revealed some good and original points that made the impression […]
The book was first published in 1988 but has been revised and updated several times since then. This is the fourth edition and was published in 2009. William O’Neil is a name I’ve seen and heard throughout the trading industry. He’s been involved in the markets since 1958. Many have suggested to read the book […]
This is a quote from William O’Neil, a market veteran whose bestselling book I recently read. I’m going to publish a review of the book soon. But the title says it all about my approach to trading. If a stock has momentum and is going up, I want to be onboard until it lasts. I […]
James Clear – Atomic Habits – Review
I hadn’t heard about the author when I saw several recommendations to read the book about habits. I got it out of curiosity and due to the fact I’d been focusing more on my psychological skills for trading in the past couple of years. The book was published in 2018, but in the introduction the […]
The optimistic US stock market at all-time-highs has started to concern many and I’ve been asked how one should prepare for the possible downturn. There is no single indicator nor holy grail to let us know about a bull or bear market, but I’ve found price to be the most reliable indicator when it comes […]