Book Reviews

Dr. Alexander Elder – Sell and Sell Short – Review

I have been closely following Dr. Elder’s work online, from books and also attended his workshop in NYC. While this book covers Dr. Elder’s approach to the markets like his other books (Trading for a Living; Come into My Trading Room), I wanted to read it because of its focus on shorting. Though in late […]


Trading is not easy, but it’s simple

I got back from my trip to NYC to attend a workshop by Dr. Alexander Elder and Kerry Lovvorn. It was fun. First night we gathered at Dr. Elder’s apartment near Manhattan, a short walk from my hotel. I met other traders from around the world, cigars on the balcony and off we went to […]

Book Reviews

Dr. Alexander Elder – Entries and Exits – Review

Since I’ve been following Dr. Elder’s work closely, I got one of his books from the library, Entries & Exits – Visits to sixteen trading rooms. There are many interesting traders interviewed in this book including Gerald Appel, the inventor of one of the most popular indicators MACD; Kerry Lovvorn, the co-founder of SpikeTrade. It […]


Meeting Dr. Elder and SpikeTrade members

Yesterday I had the honor to meet Dr. Alexander Elder in person. I’ve been following him on SpikeTrade and studied lots of his materials. He was in Estonia to teach a class and we got together with other local members for some chat and a dinner. We decided to start local monthly meetups with the […]


Talk to other traders

I was listening to a podcast episode from Äripäev (local business magazine) the other day and a guy from Elder’s online group SpikeTrade was recommending to join. I have now joined and exploring the content. There are over hundred members submitting weekly stock picks to a friendly competition where you can see others’ ideas […]

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