Book Reviews

Mebane Faber – Global Value – Review

For another change to trading books I got this one to read about global value investing. I have not started to doubt in my trading philosophy, quite the opposite. I just like to read about other investing and trading methods irrelevant to my own to keep my mind fresh and unbiased. The book Global Value […]

Book Reviews

Mebane Faber – Global Asset Allocation – Review

The book published in 2015 by Mebane Faber looks at different asset classes to invest money in and dives into the world’s top investment strategies. After having read lots of trading books I got this broad investing book just to read something different for a change. Though I haven’t moved from trading US stocks to […]


Success is in the preparation

Hello-hello. If anyone wants to know my story, read this first: My Story Anyway, I’ve decided to start blogging my trading journey. I am a beginner in this field but I have made up my mind to dedicate my time, study and practice, get good at it. To this date my experience in financial markets […]

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